Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Art Elements Theme of the Month: Petroglyphs

The theme for this month's Art Elements Theme of the Month challenge was another challenging one for me... Petroglyphs.  At first I really wasn't sure that I had anything that would work... but after some good digging through my art beads with an open mind, I found a few earring charms that felt right.

First up a simple little pair of earrings that I whipped up with some of Marsha Neal's fabulous ceramic charms and Vintaj Natural Brass findings.  Even though these are a simple design, they have a nice visual impact. 

Next, I finally played with one of the few pairs of painted pewter charms that I've managed to snag from Inviciti.  I felt like the raised pattern and the colors evoked the feeling of cave paintings or carvings.  For this pair I used some faceted Red Creek Jasper rounds, some Swarovski studded rondelle spacers and some little Czech glass beads in pale neutral tones. 

Last but not least, a colorful little pair of earrings featuring some super fun charms from Jana of Happy Fish Things.  I haven't made two many earrings with charms that have two top holes or loops (although there are two in this post!) so this design definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone!  I paired some little Amazonite rounds and fun shaped vintage German glass beads. 

And just for giggles, I'll leave you with this little photo taken at a lovely set of waterfalls near Mankato, MN.  I wonder if future civilizations will one day find things like this and wonder about the cultures that created them... Hmmm.

This is a blog hop.  Check out the links below to see what everyone else was inspired to make this month!


  1. Fantastic choices for the earring designs - your eye for pulling things together is right on! I had to giggle at the thoughts of the more modern versions of rock carvings. I bet there are quite a few around here too... :)

  2. Great earrings Sarajo! I love the components you used, perfect! Thanks for the cute ending photo!

  3. Such pretty earrings, well done! They definitely make you think petroglyphs.

  4. These pieces are perfect. I'm particularly fond of the first pair of earrings--they really make me think of seeing a petroglyph for the first time, in some place that time forgot. Really, though, everything is lovely... Thank you so much for sharing!

  5. Your earring designs are wonderful! My favorite is the first one with Marsha's beads: such a simple but perfect and striking design! :)

  6. Love your earrings, I love the first pair best, my favourite colours and a great design

  7. Your earring designs are perfect for this challenge. Your first pair are my favorite. Great design!

  8. Love your interpretation of the theme, they're all wonderful!

  9. All three of your earring designs are perfect for this challenge! I'm especially drawn to that first pair. The combination of simplicity and awesome shape makes them so dreamy.

  10. I love your earrings for this challenge. They're not too short and not too long.....just perfect! I especially like the colorful yellow earrings.

  11. Very nice! Great designs with petroglyph motifs. Love them! Thank you for joining our challenge!

  12. Lovely interpretations of the theme.

  13. Sarajo, I just love the instinctive way that you put earring components together to achieve absolutely stunning pieces of jewelry! Yes, in about 500 years that place in MN may become "a new discovery of how the ancients lived." Alysen.

  14. Your earring designs are lovely. You showcased the artisan beads very nicely. Thanks for sharing the modern petroglyphs. I too wonder what future generations will make of the marks we're leaving.
