Thursday, June 16, 2016

Starfish Color Palette Challenge

Always a sucker for a challenge... I jumped at the chance to play along with the Starfish Color Palette Challenge that Sherri Stokey posed to the Love My Art Jewelry blog readers.  She couldn't have made it easier to join in if she had tried.  All you had to do is create something, anything, inspired by the photo below!  You can see Sherri's original post HERE to get more background on the challenge and to see some of her gorgeous work.

Despite the fact that I had other projects with looming deadlines, I had to go digging for some beads for this challenge.  I promised myself I would wait to actually MAKE things for this... I'd just get the beads out and LOOK at them.  Any guesses on how that worked out for me?  ;)

Even though I love making earrings, I've been a little remiss about creating much of anything lately so I decided that a batch of earrings was the perfect place to start this challenge!  I had several pairs of recycled glass sand dollars that I've been meaning to make into earrings.  This seemed like a good time to finally make that happen.  I made three variations with the sea foam and teal sets.  I still have a pale green pair waiting to be transformed, but they were too far outside the color palette for today's post.

Not the best photos... I was struggling with the light!

I also have a bunch of Vintaj Natural Brass sand dollar charms in my stash, so I whipped up a couple of pairs using them too!  I'm super happy how the embellished ear wires turned out on the pair on the right.

More light challenged photos... sigh.

Since the challenge is from Love My Art Jewelry, I didn't want to ignore my art bead stash entirely.  I picked out a gorgeous starfish pedant from Michelle McCarthy of Firefly Design Studio for this necklace.  This piece is the perfect embodiment of all things beach to me... the soothing aqua color, the adorable starfish pattern and texture, the water droplet shape... it's sand and surf at its finest!  I used a combination of Amazonite, Impression Jasper, and Czech glass in a variety of shapes and shades of aqua along with brass findings.  You can channel your inner mermaid even on the bleakest of winter days with this necklace!

I hope you'll pop over to the Love My Art Jewelry blog to see what everyone else was inspired to create!


  1. Beautiful pieces! And your description of the necklace makes me feel like I'm sitting on a beach with my toes in the water (that's saying something for a gal from Nebraska!). Thanks so much for playing along!

  2. What a lovely collection - pretty jealous of those glass sea dollar charms - fantastic! And you have accented them just right in your earrings.

    Love the textures in the necklace too - looks like a bit of sea washed treasure :)

  3. So serenely lovely. I especially love the earrings with the frosted sea glass.

  4. beautiful earrings and necklace. the pendant is amazing.

  5. You sure had lots of fun with this theme. Love the earrings and the necklace is to die for.

  6. Can't go wrong whipping up summery jewelry, even with deadlines looming! These are all beautiful - love them!!! The necklace is so dreamy.
