Monday, March 22, 2021

Honey Do List March 2021

Happy Monday my beady friends!  It's reveal day for the Honey Do List!  2021 marks the sixth year that my husband Eric has been giving me a design challenge each month to get me out of my comfort zone and to help clear out my bead stash... it's still hard to believe we've been doing this that long.  I know that I'm not the only one who loves a good design challenge, and I love having folks play along with us!

Here's this month's inspiration and what Eric had to say about it:

With the past week's warm up to 40-50 degree days and the melting of the enormous snow pile in our yard, I'm feeling the call of what we Minnesotans call False Spring.  OK, I call it that.  I'm posting this heavily processed picture of lichen and tiny flowers from our England trip two years back, hoping that we soon will see real flowers here as well.  

The first thing I made for this month's challenge ended up being my favorite by a long shot!  I had a gorgeous hand painted wood-burned pendant by Summer Wind Art that I had been hoarding for too long that really captured the feeling of Eric's photo.  It turns out that the green in the pendant was a pretty great match for some vintage wood beads that I had just picked up.  From there I started just playing around with various beads in the colors in the pendant.  In addition to the wood there's a mix of Czech glass, moon glow lucite, and German resin in there with copper plated findings.   The colors and textures in this one just make me so happy!  I'm also pretty thrilled that the asymmetry came pretty easily for once!

Next up a little pair of earrings with some sweet daisy charms by my friend Heather Powers of Humblebeads.  Even though there isn't any purple in the photo, the flowers look a lot like the white ones there.  I paired the charms with Czech glass and moon glow lucite.

Moon glow lucite continues as a theme through my creations this month.  I've had these cute magenta dogwood flower charms from Humblebeads for a stupid amount of town but finally had the perfect beads to complement them.  The colors are vibrant like the ones in Eric's photo and the design is ultra light weight.  

Lastly I pulled together one more necklace... this time using a pendant (actually one of the smaller pieces from a 3 piece mini-collar set) and some small rounds that I got from Dakota Stones at an event or class.  The colors worked and with the mix of colors in the pendant I knew I had some accent beads in bronzite and dyed impression jasper that would play nice with it.  It may not be my normal style, but hey, sometimes it's good to branch out to something new!

Now it's your turn!  Please add links to/photos of your own creations below.  I love seeing what everyone else is making too!  Check back on April 1st to see what Eric has in store for us next month!


  1. Oh, that first necklace is EVERYTHING! It's gorgeous and perfect for this challenge. I'm impressed with how you made the pink and green work so perfectly together. I considered trying to do that myself but chickened out. It's such a delicate balance. Your other pieces are lovely, but that necklace is definitely the star!!

  2. Beautiful, beautiful pieces! And I agree--that first necklace is just stunning!!

  3. I feeling the moonglow beads but the first necklace with all the assorted beads of different materials is what speaks the most to me. Thanks for hosting this challenge and I hope spring comes very soon to where you live.
