Monday, August 28, 2023

August 2023 Honey Do List

2023 marks the eighth year that my husband Eric has been giving me a design challenge each month to get me out of my comfort zone and to help clear out my bead stash... The Honey Do List!  (Y'all, time really does fly!!)  I know that I'm not the only one who loves a good design challenge, so I'm hoping folks will continue to play along with us!

Here's this month's inspiration and what Eric had to say about it:

This month's picture is another of the many street art pieces we saw in Asheville, NC earlier this summer.  I thought the luna moth would be a cool inspiration for jewelry: either moth beads, or the colors in the art.  Next month I'll do something different!

As soon as I saw Eric's photo for us this month I knew I had a few luna moth art beads that just had to come out to play!  Beyond the true lunas, I do have a fondness for moths and butterflies in general... so there was plenty for me to choose from for this challenge.

The first thing that I unearthed from my stash were these sweet faux tin charms from Humblebeads.  I'm 99% sure that I'll keep these for myself, but we shall see.  I made some little floral dangles with some pale green and yellow toned Czech glass and green crystals.  A quick, cute design to kick things off!

Not quite ready to tackle my statement necklace, I turned first to another set of earring charms, this time by Cathleen Zaring of Blue Hare.  Clearly these aren't luna moths, but still fun and fluttery creatures.  I grabbed some little vintage metal teardrops to dangle from the enameled charms along with some Swarovski crystals.

Having stalled long enough, it was time to tackle my necklace!  I love the matte glazes that Sarah Kandell of Slate Studios Supply used on this lovely, large luna moth.  She's just dreamy!  I didn't want supporting beads to be so shiny as to overshadow or compete with the focal.  Luckily I had some nice matte options in both Czech glass and vintage German resin in my stash.  My one real concession to shine are the cranberry colored moon glow lucite rounds.  They are a perfect match to the red in the dress and add a nice pop of color to the design.  I snuck in a little bit of blue fluorite and a Swarovski pearl as well.

To my great sadness, when trying to determine the correct length of the necklace for the dress, I discovered what I had already suspected... the dress is a little bit too small for my current weight.  Hopefully having this delightful new necklace will inspire me to get back to my fighting weight!  I can't wait to wear this necklace!

I thought I was done, but then I uncovered a delightful teapot and teacup pendant set from Jade Scott.  Again, not actually a luna moth, but the colors of the moth were perfect!  It was super fun looking for a fun mix of beads that pulled the various colors out of the resin pieces.  I ended up with a mix of Czech glass, German resin, and a single prehnite round.

One last necklace here... I really was productive this month!  The Vintaj brass pendant that I painted is technically a butterfly, but I feel like the colors worked so I'll take some creative license.  Since the pendant is fairly dainty, I wanted to keep things pretty simple.  Also, I like to be able to offer designs at a variety of price points when I have sales (and I have a big one coming up next month!)  I alternated peridot and blue fluorite rounds with little metallic seed beads in between and delicate (but sturdy!) brass chain at the back.

Now it's your turn!  Please add links to/photos of your own creations below.  I love seeing what everyone else is making too.  Check back on September 1st (or maybe the 2nd since the 1st is our 22nd wedding anniversary!) to see what Eric dreams up for us next.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Humblebeads Mood Board Challenge: Van Gogh Irises


It's been a hot minute since the last time I played along with one of Heather Powers' design challenges from her Humblebeads VIP Facebook group, but I couldn't resist this one!  As soon as I saw the post, I had an immediate idea so I got to work.  If you aren't familiar with her challenges, she just asks that you use some things from her website in your entries. 

I had gotten these fun little charms in a destash bundle from Heather a while back and I thought this was a good time to finally play with them.  Since the wire was black I paired them with some open ring Vintaj decorivets.  I added some coordinating seed beads to silver plated jump rings to jazz things up a bit and finished the design off with black niobium ear wires with silver decoration.

Next up, I grabbed a pair of Heather's disc beads in colors appropriate for her inspiration.  I had no doubt that I would have at least one set that would work... so it really came down to which ones went best with the Czech glass melon drops I had chosen.  (Full disclosure, it didn't hurt that the glass beads were part of the mess on my bead table already!)  Some more Vintaj arte metal components round out this design.  These are long but the materials keep them relatively lightweight.

While this last piece doesn't qualify for Heather's challenge, I had to share it here anyways!  As I was designing this necklace I really did try to work some Humblebeads into it, but I felt like I was just forcing it and it wasn't coming together.  The sweet little pewter iris pendant from Green Girl Studios was just too perfect for the challenge.  I'd had it sitting on my bead mat for months (gulp) along side a strand of multicolored pearls.  Heather's Van Gogh inspiration was the kick in the pants I needed to pull this simple necklace together... so thanks for that!!

Thanks for stopping by to see what Heather (and Van Gogh!) inspired me to make!

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Inspiration for the August 2023 Honey Do List

2023 marks the eighth year that my husband Eric has been giving me a design challenge each month to get me out of my comfort zone and to help clear out my bead stash... The Honey Do List!  (Y'all, time really does fly!!)  I know that I'm not the only one who loves a good design challenge, so I'm hoping folks will continue to play along with us!

Here's this month's inspiration and what Eric had to say about it:

This month's picture is another of the many street art pieces we saw in Asheville, NC earlier this summer.  I thought the luna moth would be a cool inspiration for jewelry: either moth beads, or the colors in the art.  Next month I'll do something different!

I've already got some ideas... my big project really should be a gorgeous luna moth pendant from Sarah Candell that I've been holding onto for way to long.  Can't wait to have time to get started!

The reveal date will be Monday, August 28th.  To make it super easy for you to participate and share your creations, I'll set up an Inlinkz link up so folks can add their blogs or links as they are ready.  Just stop by my blog starting on August 28th and join the fun!  I'll leave the link up open for a while... so you have plenty of time to add your links.  (Last month's is still open... check it our HERE.) No blog?  No worries!  Feel free to send me a picture of your creation and some brief comments and I'll happily share in my blog post.  You can reach me at  The more the merrier, so I hope you'll play along with me this month!