Wednesday, November 10, 2021

October 2021 Honey Do List

Keeping to our normal schedule has continued to be a bit of a challenge... but only one day late on the reveal!   We had a ton of travel on the books already... and then my mom passed away unexpectedly.  It's been a month, y'all.  

As most of you know, 2021 marks the sixth year that my husband Eric has been giving me a design challenge each month to get me out of my comfort zone and to help clear out my bead stash... The Honey Do List!  I know that I'm not the only one who loves a good design challenge, so I'm hoping folks will continue to play along with us!

Here's this month's inspiration and what Eric had to say about it: 

While in Chicago for our friend's wedding, I dragged my camera along and made Sj stop every 3 minutes in our wanderings to take pictures.  I was impressed with how much street art was around the city: murals, tags, etc.  I really liked this particular image painted on a wooden fence.  The colors and flowers should be a nice monthly challenge!

While I had tons of good stuff spread around my bead mat, I only managed to finish one piece of jewelry this time.  There's still a chance I'll circle back and get something else made, but I wanted to get this post up without any further delay.  

I had a few different ceramic components from Golem Design Studio that really fit the challenge this month.  Needing to also make more bracelets for a couple of upcoming shows, I started (and thus far, finished) with a multi-strand bracelet using one of the lentils as the focal.  

Editing to add one more design I managed to finish WAY late....

I had this partially laid out when I ran out of time.  It took a bit, but I did circle back to finish the necklace design to go with the bracelet I had already done.  Again, I've got a lovely ceramic pendant from Golem Design Studio.  I've strung it with a variety of Czech glass as well as some star cut matte quartz crystal.

Now it's your turn!  Please add links to/photos of your own creations below.  I love seeing what everyone else is making too.  Check back soon to see what Eric has in store for us this month!  

Sorry for the short post.  Hopefully Eric will have a new inspiration photo by the end of the week... we'll see how that goes!  Thanks for bearing with us!