Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thirty Words: Sunset at Sea

Surrounded as far as the eye can see by open ocean,
sun sinking toward the horizon.  
A spectacle of color is the day’s last hurrah... 
a lingering moment to savor.

The premise of 30 Word Thursday is simple... take a photo, write 30 words (no more, no less) and post it each Thursday.  This is a blog hop hosted by Erin Prais-Hintz over on her blog Treasures Found.  Click HERE to see her post for this week as well as links to everyone else's 30 Words.

This was the view from our stateroom balcony on the next to last night of the recent Bead Cruise.  I took a ton of shots as the sun set... you may see another from that sequence in the future.  


  1. A lovely photo and beautiful words. Lucky you to have captured this sunset before it was gone.

  2. Wonderful! Wish we were still there!

    1. Me too, Terri! Although I'm still feeling the ship rocking but it might be because I caught a little cold right after the cold and that's not helping my inner ear get used to land again.

  3. Love how you described it! Gorgeous photo too!

  4. Really like the photo with the suns rays reaching down to touch the horizon.
